Monday, October 22, 2007

Fire in S. CA

There are at least eight different fires in San Diego County alone. The one which triggered a reverse 911 call to us this morning at 6 a.m. warning us of a pending evacuation was stimulated by a fire which threatened the neighborhood (San Elijo Hills) directly to the NW of us (which remains evacuated at this time). That fire is now under control, and we don't anticipate being evacuated, although the police just drove through our neighborhood on the blowhorn announcing a voluntary evacuation of our neighborhood due to smoke. Here are a couple of pics which show the progression of the situation at our house. Things may get worse before they get permanently better since the Santa Ana winds continue to gust to 60 mph and are expected to last at least through tomorrow, and our humidity remains at 4%, so we'll be carefully monitoring the situation throughout the night. The top picture was taken at about 8:00 this morning, and the bottom was taken a little after 3 p.m. this afternoon.

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