Sunday, November 18, 2007

Good week for Tommy and Kayla

Tommy and Kayla had a good week. Tommy was inducted into the National Honor Society at Southeast, and played trumpet in the NMEA All-State Jazz Ensemble. He got to play a solo for a packed house of 2500 at the Lied Center.

On Friday we found out that Kayla was selected to the 8th grade All-State Band, and was named first chair clarinet. She will be performing in January in Kearney with the All-State Band.


John said...

Wow! Fantastic Tommy and Kayla!

One bad thing about living in CA is that we miss all of these great performances, dude.

Dad and Mom said...

Congratulations Tommy and Kayla. We heard some fine music this weekend and look forward to hearing Kayla play in January. Dad and Mom

Kate, Jon, Jared & Sean said...

That's great, Tommy and Kayla! We're so proud of you!!!